Experimental Stimuli
Here you will find some of our stimuli from published papers, along with citations, provided roughly in chronological order from time of publication.

(1) Abstract, purpose-related mindset vs. concrete, process-related mindset inductions

Abstract mindset induction ** Concrete mindset induction

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., Gollwitzer, P., & Trope, Y. (2004). The influence of abstract and concrete mindsets on anticipating and guiding others' self-regulatory efforts. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 40, 739-752.download paper

(2) This winzipped folder contains 19 slightly blurred images of dogs, from an experiment (experiment 2) examining whether motivational context moderates the impact of processing fluency on evaluation.

Dog images, zipped

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., Azizian, A., Travers, S., & Berry, S.A. (in press). The Evaluative Connotation of Processing Fluency: Inherently Positive or Moderated by Motivational Context? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. , 41, 636 - 644.download paper

(3) Images that vary in perceptual similarity to circular or right-angled targets: and

The relevant paper is: Azizian, A., Freitas, A.L., Parvaz, M., & Squires, N. (2006). Beware misleading cues: Perceptual overlap modulates the N2/P3 complex. Psychophysiology, 43, 253 - 260. download paper

(4) Spatial-Stroop stiimuli, in which participant responds to relevant location of box, irrespective of response-compatible or response-incompatible block arrows:

Spatial-Stroop stimuli, zipped

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., Bahar, M., Yang, S., & Banai, R. (2007). Contextual adjustments in cognitive control across tasks. Psychological Science, 18, 1040 - 1043.download (.pdf)

(5) Images of student-leader candidates used in study examining the effect of the goal compatibility between voters and candidates on voting preferences:

Candidates (.jpg)

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., Langsam, K.L., Clark, C.L, & Moeller, S.J. (2008). Seeing oneself in one's choices: Construal level and self-pertinence of electoral and consumer decisions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 44, 1174 - 1179.download (.pdf)

(6) Jumbled and non-jumbled images of emotionally expressive faces. Important note: These face stimuli were drawn from the MacBrain Face Stimulus Set developed by Nim Tottenham and supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Early Experience and Brain Development. Please contact Nim Tottenham at tott0006@tc.umn.edu for more information concerning the stimulus set.

Jumbled face stimuli, zipped (note: these are very small .PCX files meant for use with the STIM software by Neuroscan)

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., Katz, A., Azizian, A., & Squires, N.K. (2008). When affective cues broaden thought: Evidence from event-related potentials associated with identifying emotionally expressive faces. Cognition and Emotion, 22, 1499 – 1512.download (.pdf)

(7) Flanker arrow stimuli, including NoGo cues in which the central arrow is incomplete:

arrow flanker stimuli, zipped

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., Banai, R., & Clark, S.L. (2009). When cognitive control is calibrated: Event-related potential correlates of adapting to information-processing conflict despite erroneous response preparation. Psychophysiology.download (.pdf)

(8) Inquisit script, and all needed files, for the "Stroop-trajectory" task that can be used to assess adaptation to information-processing conflict (i.e., a congruence sequence effect), without any known confounds (such as full or partial stimulus repetitions across trials, as described in Experiment 1 of the manuscript below). IMPORTANT: This script was written to run on a 17" CRT monitor (1024 x 768) running at 85 Hz. To run, download a free trial of Inquisit 2.x or later from Millisecond.com

inquisit script with stimuli

The relevant paper is: Freitas, A.L., & Clark, S.L. (2015). Generality and Specificity in Cognitive Control: Conflict Adaptation within and across Selective-Attention Tasks but not across Selective-Attention and Simon Tasks. Psychological Research/Psychologische Forschung.download (.pdf)