SUNY Stony Brook fMRI research group


What is fMRI?

fMRI stands for functional magnetic resonance imaging. It is an imaging technique used to determining which parts of the brain are activated by different types of physical sensation or activity, such as sight, sound and/or the movement of a subject's fingers. This "brain mapping" is achieved by setting up an advanced MRI scanner in a special way so that the increased blood flow to the activated areas of the brain shows up on Functional MRI scans. There are no injections or invasive measure of any kind. The subject in a typical experiment will simply lie inside the magnet and be shown some kind of stimuli. For instance, they will see pictures on a screen, or hear sounds. While this is happening, pictures are taken of the brain every few seconds. This allows the researchers to see what is happening in the brain during different kinds of tasks.

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Are there any risks involved?

This type of imaging is non-invasive and poses no known health risks. However, it is important to fill out all forms honestly so that we can ensure your safety. Most members of the lab have been in the scanner multiple times. The main complaints about the scanner are that it is noisy and you are required to stay very still.

Where are the studies located?

The Studies are located at SUNY Stony Brook’s SCAN Center, located by the Life Sciences Building.     Occasionally some studies are scanned at Stony Brook Hospital.  

How long will the experiments take?

The time can vary depending on the experiment. Generally you will spend about a 1/2 an hour to and an hour preparing for the experiment (consent forms, explanations, and practice) and a 45 minutes to an 1 hour and 1/2 in the scanner.

What times are the experiments?

Times for the experiments may vary.  If you are unavailable during the set times for the experiments, but would still like to participate, please go ahead and fill out the screening forms and email it to us with times that you can participate. We change the available times periodically and it would be very helpful to us to know when people are available.

Why should I participate?

There is no direct benefit to participating. You will, however, be helping researchers gain a further understanding of complex processes that help us all know a little more about what is going on inside the brain. You will be thanked for your participation with a stipend.

What do I need to do in order to participate?

In order to participate you must fill out the basic safety forms available here and email them to us. If you do not have Microsoft word, or are otherwise unable to fill out the forms, you can call and we can fill out the form over the phone. After that is finished we will be able to schedule you for an experiment.  

If you want more information on either our research or fMRI studies please email us at